The Model-View FrameWork





        在标准的 MVC 设计模式中,Model保存数据,View渲染成显示部件,当用户想编辑数据时,Controller类处理对数据的所有修改。



        Qt 提供三个不同的View:tree,list,table.QListWidget类是QListView的特殊版本,QListWidget仅仅包括列表中的显示数据,然而QListView是从Model中访问它的数据。QListWidget有时因缺乏灵活性被认为是方便类,但是在不复杂的情形下与QListView和Model相比它更方便。

        和List Widget与List View相关一样,QTreeWidget-QTreeView和QTableWidget-QTableView也是成对相关。


QTreeView *view = new QTreeView;
QListView *list = new QListView;
QTableView *table = new QTableView;
QSplitter splitter;
splitter.addWidget( tree );
splitter.addWidget( list );
splitter.addWidget( table );





QStandardItemModel model( 5, 2 );
for( int r=0; r<5; r++ )
for( int c=0; c<2; c++)
QStandardItem *item =
new QStandardItem( QString("Row:%1, Column:%2").arg(r).arg(c) );
if( c == 0 )
for( int i=0; i<3; i++ )
item->appendRow( new QStandardItem( QString("Item %1").arg(i) ) );
model.setItem(r, c, item);

         让我们仔佃看看是如何组装的。首先,QStandardItemModel被创建,构造函数被指定为5行2列。然后通过循环创建每个Item,当c等于0时,使用appendRow添加3个子项. 最后,setItem使每个item放在合适的位置。


tree->setModel( &model );
list->setModel( &model );
table->setModel( &model );

        每个View都有Selection Model, 通过setSelectionModel(QItemSelectionModel*)方法设置。

        通过下面的设置,tree, list, table将被绑在一起:list中被选中的,在table和tree中也会被选中。

list->setSelectionModel( tree->selectionModel() );
table->setSelectionModel( tree->selectionModel() );

Providing Headers:         

model.setHorizontalHeaderItem( 0, new QStandardItem ("Name"));
model.setHorizontalHeaderItem( 1, new QStandardItem ("Phone number"));

Limiting Editing:         


if( c == 0 )
for( int i=0; i<3; i++ )
QStandardItem *child = new QStandardItem( QString("Item %1").arg(i) );
child->setEditable( false );
item->appendRow( child );

Limiting Selection Behavior       

        The selection behavior can be set to SelectItems, SelectRows, or SelectColumns

        selection mode can be set to the following values:


        • NoSelection: The user cannot make selections in the view.

        • SingleSelection: The user can select a single item, row, or column in the view.

        • ContiguousSelection: The user can select multiple items, rows, or columns in the view. The selection area must be in one piece, next to each other without any gaps.

        • ExtendedSelection: The user can select multiple items, rows, or columns in the view. The selection areas are independent and can have gaps. The user can choose items by clicking and dragging, selecting items while pressing the Shift or Ctrl keys.

        • MultiSelection: Equivalent to ExtendedSelection from the programmer’s viewpoint, the selection areas are independent and can have gaps. The user toggles the selected state by clicking the items. There is no need to use the Shift or Ctrl keys.



table->setSelectionBehavior( QAbstractItemView::SelectRows );
table->setSelectionMode( QAbstractItemView::SingleSelection );


Using the QStringListModel to populate a QListView:


QListView list;
QStringListModel model;
QStringList strings;
strings << "Huey" << "Dewey" << "Louie";
model.setStringList( strings );
list.setModel( &model );




There are two approaches to this: either build a delegate from the QAbstractItemDelegate class or create a completely custom view from the QAbstractItemView class.


Category: Model-Views | Tags: MVF | Read Count: 3553
irwx 说:
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